The World Games Series 2024 Hong Kong Electronic Admission Tickets
Please read the terms and conditions.
Present the following QR code at the entrance for entry registration.


The World Games Series 2024 Hong Kong Electronic Ticket Purchase and Usage Terms and Conditions


  1. Ticket Purchase Terms
    (1) Event Venue for The World Games Series 2024 Hong Kong
  • Age Requirement: Entry is not permitted for individuals under aged 6 years old.
  • Ticket Pricing: One ticket per person; adults and children are charged the same price. Everyone must present a separate ticket for entry.
  • Seating Arrangements: There is no designated seating at the event venue.


(2) The World Games Series 2024 Hong Kong Carnival

  • Age Requirement: No age restrictions apply.
  • Ticket Pricing: One ticket per person; free admission


  • Electronic Ticket Purchase: Tickets can be purchased through designated ticketing platforms. Please refrain from buying tickets through unofficial channels to avoid scams. If you purchase tickets from resale platforms (e.g., Carousell or secondary market websites), Vivere Sky (Hong Kong) Limited (“the Organizer”) will not be responsible for delivering tickets to you and will not bear any related costs, losses, or consequences arising from tickets purchased through resale platforms. If you encounter any issues with resale tickets, please contact the resale platform directly.


  • Payment Methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express


  • Ticket Currency: All ticket types are priced in Hong Kong Dollars (HKD).



  1. Usage Terms
  • Ticket Validity: Electronic tickets are valid only for the specified event date and time; expired tickets will not be accepted. Each electronic ticket can be scanned for entry only once. Please do not publicly share or provide the QR code on the ticket to others to prevent unauthorized entry.
  • Electronic Ticket Preservation: Please keep your electronic ticket secure. The Organizer is not responsible for any lost or stolen tickets.
  • Entry Procedure: All individuals must possess a valid electronic ticket for entry. Upon entry, you must present the QR code from your electronic ticket or a printed A4 copy of the QR code, and cooperate with staff during the inspection.
  • Transfer Policy: Electronic tickets are non-transferable and may not be sold to others.


  1. Other Terms
  • Compliance with Rules: All attendees must adhere to the rules and instructions at the event venue and follow the directions of the staff.
  • Safety Responsibility: Attendees are responsible for their own safety. The event organizer is not liable for any loss or injury incurred while participating in the event.
  • Prohibited Activities: Attendees are strictly prohibited from (a) continuously collecting, promoting, disseminating, publishing, or broadcasting any statistics related to competition results for commercial or gambling purposes during the event (from start to finish); (b) conducting any live or delayed recording, photography, broadcasting, streaming, publishing, transmitting, and/or otherwise providing (or assisting any third party in providing) all or part of the content to the public, including any free or paid recordings, photos, video clips, motion pictures, or other audiovisual materials.
  • Security Checks: For safety reasons, you may be required to present bags, backpacks, and personal belongings for inspection upon entry.



  1. Cancellation Policy
  • No Cancellations or Refunds: Tickets sold are non-cancellable, non-refundable, and non-exchangeable.
  • Cancellation of Events: If the event for which tickets were purchased is canceled, tickets cannot be transferred to other events organized by the Organizer.
  • Rescheduling and Refunds: If an event is canceled, held behind closed doors, or rescheduled, subsequent arrangements will depend on options provided by the Organizer. If the Organizer announces a full or partial refund of the ticket value, you will be entitled to a refund equivalent to the online purchase amount, minus a 5% processing fee. All refunds will be processed only after the Organizer receives the corresponding funds. If the event is canceled (without rescheduling) and the Organizer does not provide any form of financial compensation, the Organizer will not be liable for any refunds or any form of compensation (whether financial or otherwise).
  • Personal Arrangements: You are responsible for making any personal arrangements related to the event, including travel, accommodation, or hospitality, and you assume all associated risks. The Organizer is not responsible for any loss or wasted expenses incurred.


  1. Amendment of Terms
  • The Organizer reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of any disputes or disagreements, the Organizer ‘s decision shall be final.







  1. 購票條款

(1) 世界運動會香港巡迴賽2024比賽會場

  • 參與年齡:世界運動會香港巡迴賽2024比賽會場,怒不招待6歲或以下人仕入場。
  • 票價:一人一票入場,大小同價,每人需持一張門票入場。
  • 坐位安排比賽會場不設劃位。
  • 世界運動會香港巡迴賽2024嘉年華
  • 參與年齡:沒有年齡限制。
  • 票價:一人一票,免費入場。
  • 電子門票購買:門票可以通過指定的票務平台進行購買。請勿透過非官方渠道購票,以免遭受詐騙。如果閣下在轉售平台(例如Carousell或二級市場網站)購買門票,德天(香港)有限公司(“承辦機構”)不負責將門票交付給閣下,也不承擔透過轉售平台購買的門票所產生之任何相關費用,損失或後果。如果轉售門票出現任何問題,請直接聯絡轉售平台。
  • 支付方式: VISA、 萬事達卡、美國運通
  • 門票貨幣:各類型門票的貨幣均為港幣。


  1. 使用條款
  •  門票有效性:電子門票僅限於指定的活動日期及時間使用,過期無效。電子門票只限掃描一次即可入場,請勿將門票上之QR Code任意公開或提供給他人,以防遭人冒領入場。
  • 電子門票保存請妥善保存電子門票。承辦機構對任何遺失或被盜用的門票不承擔任何責任
  • 入場程序:所有人仕需持有有效的電子門票入場。 入場時需出示電子門票的二維碼或A4列印本二維碼,並配合工作人員的檢查。
  • 轉讓政策電子門票不得轉讓或出售予其他人士。


  1. 其他條款
  • 遵守規則: 入場人仕需遵守活動現場的所有規定和指示,並聽從工作人員的安排。
  • 安全責任: 入場人仕需自行負責自身安全,活動承辦機構不承擔因參加活動而導致的任何損失或傷害。
  • 入場人仕一律嚴禁 (a) 以任何理由在比賽進行期間 (從比賽開始至完結) 不斷收集、宣傳、傳播、出版或發佈任何與比賽成績相關的統計資料,以作任何商業或賭博用途。(b) 在比賽場地範圍內進行任何現場或以延時播出方式之攝錄、攝影、廣播、串流、發佈、傳送及/或以其他方式向公眾提供(或協助任何第三方向公眾提供)全部或部分內容,以及任何免費或付費的錄音、照片、視頻片段、動作圖片、攝錄及/或其他視聽內容。
  • 為了安全理由,在入場時閣下可能需要展示手袋、背包以及隨身物品以供檢查。


  1. 取消政策
  • 門票一經售出,恕不取消、退款或更改。
  • 若所購買門票之相關活動被取消,門票不可轉讓至承辦機構之其他活動。
  • 如果活動被取消、閉門舉行或重新安排,後續安排將取決於承辦機構所提供的選項。若然承辦機構宣佈全額或退回部分門票價值,閣下將有權獲得與線上購買門票金額相當的退款,減去 5% 的退款處理費。所有退款只會在承辦機構收到相應資金後,才會處理。如果活動被取消(且未重新安排)且承辦機構不提供任何形式的經濟補償,承辦機構將不承擔任何退款或任何形式的補償(無論是經濟補償或其他補償)的責任。
  • 閣下自行安排與活動相關的個人安排,包括旅行、住宿或招待,風險由閣下自行承擔。對於閣下的任何享受損失或浪費的支出,承辦機構不承擔任何責任。


  1. 條款修改
  • 承辦機構保留隨時修訂條款及細則之權利,而不作另行通知。尚有任何意見或爭論,則以承辦機構的決策為最終決定。