Bank of China (Hong Kong) Celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and presents:

The World Games Series 2024 Hong Kong


Building up excitement for the 12th edition of The World Games 2025, the International World Games Association (IWGA) is set to launch a new three-sport event. The inaugural leg of The World Games Series will take place in Hong Kong, China, from 12-13 October 2024.

The Hong Kong series will feature 88 athletes (44 men, 44 women). These athletes will compete for a chance to qualify for The World Games 2025. All competitions will be held at the GO PARK Sai Sha, Hong Kong.

為迎接第 12 屆 2025 年世界運動會,由國際世界運動總會直接領導的世界運動會香港巡迴賽首次落戶香港,並推出三項運動賽事,包括啦啦操、滾軸溜冰及武術,將於2024年10月12日至13日一連兩日於西沙 GO PARK進行。來自世界各地的精英運動員將雲集香港,爭奪2025 年世界運動會參賽資格!

Qualification Sports for The World Games 2025
2025 年世界運動會資格賽

Roller Sports 滑輪

Freestyle - Inline Slalom Class: Men and Women
自由式滑輪 - 男子組及女子組

Freestyle - Inline Speed Class: Men and Women
速度滑輪 - 男子組及女子組

Schedule 賽程

Cheerleading 啦啦操

Cheerleading - Doubles
啦啦操 - 雙人組合

Schedule 賽程

Wushu 武術

Taolu: Combined men and Combined women

Schedule 賽程